Rev. Stanley Jenkins
Senior Minister
Rev. Stan warmly welcomes you to be a part of our congregation, as a member OR non-member. Stan became the Senior Minister in 2012 and has become an integral part of the downtown community.

Prince Solace
Director of Community Outreach
Working hard to find connections between ourselves (congregation), our community and our government.
517-482-0668 x.11

Megan Higle
Director of Music
Director of Christian Education
Choral Member and Sunday School teacher since the age of 14, Megan is EXCITED to help you find your gift/talent as you discover YOUR place in the Kingdom of God!
517-482-0668 x. 14

Betsy Calvert
Office Manager
Former journalist, Betsy works to create engaging communications to our congregation and our community.

Kliff Nhengu
A beloved member of the Lansing community, Kliff continues to work on his CPA as he provides custodial services to our congregation.
Christine DeYonke
Pastoral Care Coordinator
Chris is a retired educator and a licensed professional counselor. She offers her gift of presence in the lives of our members during times of illness, stress and grief or whenever a little extra comfort is needed.

Lily Ferris
Lead Child Care Giver
By day a Kindergarten Teaching Assistant, by weekend a favorite for our churches youngest members!
FPC Staff
Who We Are